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Fire Truck Parts and Emergency Vehicle Equipment

We have the parts in stock to assist you with your fire truck preventative maintenance, small repair projects to major component replacement.  Stocking parts for your American LaFrance (ALF), Spartan and Duplex chassis; Hale, Waterous & Darley Fire Pump valve components and hand tools from Akron Brass. We supply strobe and LED lighting replacements from Code 3, Whelen and Federal Signal for your body as well as grab handles, handrails, rubrails, latches, fenderettes, door seals, ICC and emergency warning lights.  

Featured Products

ALF RH Cab Door Handle - Jeep Style
American LaFrance Turn Signal Switch
South Co 62 - Lift & Turn Compression Latch Mini
Class 1 3/4
Akron 1 1/2
American Lafrance Ignition/Master Switch ALF
Aerial Hydraulic Emergency Power Unit
Hydraulic Dirt Gauge
Rieker Color Coded Bubble Level - LTI Version
American LaFrance Cornering Lamp
ALF Cab Lock/Hold Down Switch
NoShok 2.5